
The Challenges facing Latin American Societies in the UK

  • Finton Hanks

On 29 January Canning House hosted the Latin American Societies Forum which convened Latin American societies and NGOs based in the UK for an informative and constructive discussion.

On 29 January Canning House hosted the Latin American Societies Forum which convened Latin American societies and NGOs based in the UK for an informative and constructive discussion.

The evening opened with an introduction to Canning House from our CEO, Jeremy Browne, who explained how Canning House can amplify and magnify the impact of the Anglo-Latin American societies based in the UK.

This event provided an opportunity for the societies to connect and learn more about upcoming activities. Following the opening statement, each representative had a short time to talk about the upcoming events and initiatives that their society is running. Across the board the societies represented were hosting social events to promote and share the cultures of their respective countries.

It was valuable to learn too about the charity fundraising that these organisations had organised: children’s charities, social projects, and mentoring are all being funded in countries across Latin America by efforts here in the UK.

As the discussion evolved, a number of key themes and common problems arose. Chief among these issues was keeping membership numbers high. Almost every society had a dip in membership during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many of the organisations around the table have been making active efforts to recoup members since.

However, it was usefully suggested that by connecting to Latin American societies at universities in the UK organisations can attract new young members, and possibly gain access to high-quality venues for events. Furthermore, large companies often have Latin American societies within them, and these groups may be open to cooperating on events.

Although enthusiasm for hosting events was high in the room, there was a widespread concern over rising venue costs in London, and how this can put a dampener on their efforts. This issue is compounded by the fact that almost all of the societies are run by volunteers, and so there are pressures on time and resources. Despite these challenges, amongst participants of the forum there was a desire to collaborate for future events, helping to spread the cost.

Ambassadorial financial support, and the ability to use the embassy as a space to host events for some societies, helped to keep running costs low. For those who did not have that option, local community centres and pubs remain a useful way to host social events and connect with compatriots. One further method highlighted during the discussion was the possibility of connecting with art galleries and museums in London to host curated exhibitions around the culture in question, and gain a space for a social event.

After this fruitful and insightful discussion, participants of the forum enjoyed an informal space to network and connect with their peers. Thank you to all of the societies who took part; we look forward working together in the future.

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