
Round-Table With Ecuador's Minister of Knowledge and Human Talent, Guillaume Long

Canning House is delighted to welcome the Ecuadorian Minister of Knowledge and Human Talent, Guillaume Long, for a morning roundtable briefing to discuss educational links between the UK and Ecuador. An unrivalled opportunity to engage with one of Ecuador's most prominent young politicians.

The title of the event is "Ecuador's road to structural change: accomplishments and future challenges". Minister Long's presentation will be about the major changes in Ecuador, specially in Education. He will also explain what has been achieved in the last 8 years and talk about future challenges.

Guillaume Long holds a Ph.D. from the UCL Institute of the Americas, a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of London, and a Bachelor´s Degree (Hons) in History from the School of Oriental and African Studies.

On May 2013, Dr. Long was appointed Minister of Knowledge and Human Talent. Currently, he is also the Rector of the Ecuadorian Graduate Institute of Higher Studies. He has performed other relevant public functions such as President of the Council for the Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

Guillaume Long has taught History and International Relations in many Ecuadorian universities. His academic work has been mainly focused on the construction of the modern Nation-State, integration and conflict studies, hegemony and counter-hegemony in asymmetric international relations, Ecuadorian foreign policy and in particular, Ecuadorian maritime policy.

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