Canning Lecture with H.E. Ivan Duque, President of Colombia
On Monday 17 June, H.E. Iván Duque Márquez, President of Colombia, gave a Canning Lecture entitled “A Pact for Colombia: How Legality and Entrepreneurship creates Fairness”.
Update on Central America & the Caribbean
This webinar looks in particular at the recent presidential elections in Panama and El Salvador, and the historic decision by the US administration led by President Donald Trump to end the suspension of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act in Cuba.
100 days of AMLO
In just three months of Andrés Manuel López Obrador´s presidency, Mexico´s political landscape has shifted considerably. The country´s 120 million inhabitants makes it an indispensable economy for British companies and investors – which is why Canning House believes it is timely to develop a granular understanding of the opportunities and risks AMLO’s presidency holds.
The Venezuelan Exodus
Canning House and the All-Party Parliamentary Groups for Latin America and Venezuela talk to Dip. Juan Andrés Mejía about the crisis in Venezuela.
Venezuela Crisis Update
On 23 January, Juan Guaidó, the president of Venezuela’s National Assembly (AN), formally declared himself as the country’s interim president and said that he will now seek to organise a new general election process to elect a successor to the de facto president, Nicolás Maduro. What’s next for Venezuela? Canning House and LatinNews discuss.
Election Watch 2019
Canning House will be joined by Jon Farmer, Gunther Baumgarten and Constance Malleret from LatinNews to analyse the 2018 elections in Latin America, and forecast the shifting political landscape in 2019, with a particular – but not exclusive – focus on Brazil and Mexico.